Air Canada 787 Vancouver-Bangkok Declares Emergency

2 min read

Last night, an Air Canada Boeing 787 operating a flight between Vancouver and Bangkok declared an emergency, prompting a diversion to Hong Kong.

Air Canada 787 Vancouver-Bangkok Declares Emergency…

Data provided by

Air Canada flight AC65 is a routine scheduled flight between Vancouver and Bangkok, with the affected rotation being operated by C-FRSE.

As per data from, C-FRSE is a 7.1 year old Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner that was delivered to the Canadian carrier back in January 2017.

Of the 787-9 variant, the airline has 31 of them, of which 28 are in active service and three are currently parked, offering an average age of 6.7 years.

Air Canada flight AC65 departed Vancouver at 2310 local time on January 4 and proceeded in a westerly direction towards Bangkok.

Upon reaching Hong Kong airspace, the aircraft commenced an emergency descent, whilst squawking the 7700 squawk code.

AC65 landed into Hong Kong at 0454 ICT following this emergency.

As per @FlightEmergency on X, it is understood that the cause of the emergency was due to a medical-related issue onboard.

That, alongside the emergency squawk code, indicated that the issue onboard was critical enough to require a priority landing, as the 7700 code entitles crew to that.

Once the affected persons were offloaded the aircraft, AC65, originally from Vancouver, continued on to Bangkok following a departure from Hong Kong at 0813, landing into the Thai airport at 0941 ICT.

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