American Flight from Dallas Declares Emergency in Houston

3 min read

In the last few moments, an American Airlines flight from Dallas has declared an emergency following a missed approach at Houston.

American Airlines Flight from Dallas Declares Emergency in Houston…

Data provided by

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American Airlines flight AA1472 is a routine scheduled flight between Dallas Fort Worth and Houston, with the affected rotation being operated by N935AN.

As per data from, N935AN is a 23.7 year old Boeing 737-800 that was delivered to the carrier back in May 2000.

Of the 737-800 variant, the U.S carrier has 303 of them in the fleet, of which 291 are in active service and 12 are parked, offering an average fleet age of 14.2 years.

American Airlines flight AA1472 departed Dallas at 1034 local time this morning and proceeded in the direction of Houston.

The aircraft made an initial approach attempt before going around and then aborting the second attempt a little further away from the airport.

At this stage, it is unclear what the reason for the emergency is, with this remaining a developing story as a result.

Updates below.


American Flight from Dallas Declares Emergency in Houston

UPDATE #1 @ 1811 UK time – American Airlines flight AA1472 from Dallas has climbed away from Houston passing 10,000 feet, with the landing field not certain following this emergency broadcast.

American Flight from Dallas Declares Emergency in Houston

UPDATE #2 @ 1815 UK time – AA1472 has stopped it’s climb at 15,000 feet, with it unclear what the next steps will be currently.

UPDATE #3 @ 1816 UK time – Reports coming in that AA1472 will be diverting to Lake Charles.

UPDATE #4 @ 1818 UK time – Weather is quite poor in Houston, which may have been a contributing factor to this emergency taking place, alongside low fuel.

UPDATE #5 @ 1821 UK time – AA1472 now squawking a normal code, being 2365, indicating that whatever is going onboard is under some form of control following the decision to divert to Lake Charles.

UPDATE #6 @ 1824 UK time – American Airlines flight AA1472, originally bound for Houston from Dallas, is now descending into it’s diversion field of Lake Charles.

UPDATE #7 @ 1834 UK time – AA1472 is now on finals into Lake Charles following it’s initial emergency call and subsequent choice to divert elsewhere from IAH.

UPDATE #8 @ 1840 UK time – TOUCHDOWN! AA1472 has appeared to have touched down safely into Lake Charles following it’s initial emergency call and subsequent diversion!

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