Bug sweeping UK as Government issues ‘don’t go to work’ warning

2 min read

People are being urged not to go to work or school due to a virus sweeping the UK.

The UK Health Security Agency has issued an urgent warning over cases of norovirus, which have seen a sharp increase in the past few weeks.

The UKHSA said norovirus reports are “still high for this time of year” and haven’t dropped in the spring like they normally would.

The bug, which causes stomach upset including diarrhoea and vomiting.

Confirmed cases of norovirus are alarmingly 75 percent higher than the average for the past five years, the UKHSA said.

It pointed to changes in viruses after Covid and the cold weather for most of May as being key reasons for the bug.

Those who have the virus are being urged to wash their hands and stay home from work in a bid to stop the spread.

Amy Douglas, Norovirus Epidemiologist at UKHSA said: “Norovirus levels were higher in April than we would usually see at this time of year and have been increasing.

“This is likely due to a combination of factors, but the colder weather we have had won’t have helped.

“Norovirus can cause dehydration, especially in vulnerable groups such as young children and older or immunocompromised people, so if you do get ill it is important to drink plenty of fluids.

“If you have got diarrhoea and vomiting, you can take steps to avoid passing the infection on. Do not return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped and don’t prepare food for others in that time either.

“If you are unwell, avoid visiting people in hospitals and care homes to prevent passing on the infection in these settings.

“Washing your hands with soap and warm water and using bleach-based products to clean surfaces will also help stop infections from spreading. Alcohol gels do not kill norovirus so don’t rely on these alone.”

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