Climbing stairs vs walking; which is a better exercise for weight loss? | Health

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If there is one way to cheat the sedentary lifestyle and embark on a weight loss journey without earmarking a specific time of the day, it is to keep moving your body and avoid sitting for longer durations. People who start their day very early and wrap it up late, often struggle with finding time to exercise in a conventional way. The good news is that multiple short bursts of activities like walking while talking on your phone, climbing your office stairs, walking your dog or taking public transport instead of driving can help you lead a healthy lifestyle and even support weight loss. Being mindful of your movements can play a huge role in burning calories and achieving holistic wellness. (Also read | Fat-burning workouts for summer: 5 fun-filled exercises to shed extra flab in hot weather)

People who do not have any joint issues, not feel strained and enjoy climbing the stairs, may prefer it to walking, as in terms of burning calories, the former is more effective. (Freepik)

Climbing stairs vs walking; which one should I choose?

Experts say you can choose any one of them or both depending on your fitness level, health issues or your interest. People who do not have any joint issues, not feel strained and enjoy climbing the stairs, may prefer it to walking, as in terms of burning calories, the former is more effective. However, if climbing stairs makes you fatigued or strain your knees, walking is surely the best exercise.

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Perks of climbing stairs

Climbing stairs is not only good your muscle and bone health, it also can work wonders for your heart. The process of climbing up engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs and core. It elevates your heart rate, promoting better cardiovascular fitness. It also promotes better blood circulation throughout your body.

Elaborating on upside of climbing stairs, Dr Nasiruddin G shares that it can burn more calories per minute and engages a variety of muscles.

“The best choice depends on your individual preferences, fitness level, and any underlying health considerations. Both stair climbing and walking can be effective forms of exercise for weight loss when incorporated into a balanced fitness routine,” says Dr Nasiruddin G, Consultant-Internal Medicine at Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road.

Climbing stairs is generally more intense and can burn more calories per minute compared to walking, especially if you’re climbing quickly or taking multiple steps at a time. However, the exact calorie burn depends on factors like your weight, speed, and intensity of the activity.

  • Muscle engagement: Stair climbing engages more muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves, due to the vertical movement. This can lead to greater muscle development and increased metabolic rate, potentially aiding in weight loss in the long term.
  • More intense: Stair climbing is usually more intense than walking on flat ground, which means it can elevate your heart rate more quickly and keep it elevated for a sustained period. This can lead to a higher calorie burn in a shorter amount of time compared to walking.

Dr. Aashish Chaudhry, Senior Consultant & Head- Department of Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement, Aakash Healthcare, New Delhi recommends climbing stairs over brisk walking to fitness enthusiasts who are looking for a speedier weight loss.

“Taking some time out regularly to maintain your weight and overall health is not an easy job. However, if your routine involves a brisk walk for weight loss, you might consider taking a flight of stairs instead. While it is good for your health, climbing stairs offers greater benefits in the same duration,” says Dr Chaudhry.

He opens up on more benefits of taking the stair route.

Helps to lose lower body fat

Just bringing your knee up to your chest to ascend stairs puts strain on your thighs, lower back, and core. This works like standing crunches. However, if your goal is to reduce weight, you should climb regularly and take a lot of steps. In fact, everyday stair climbing is good for ladies who tend to gain more fat on their lower body.

Boosts metabolism

In addition to strengthening and toning your core muscles, it also speeds up your metabolism by burning more calories. It is suggested that taking 30 steps at a time might help burn about 10 calories.

Aids in digestion

Climbing stairs increases your caloric burn, enhances your circulation, and puts strain on your abdominal muscles. All of these benefits also reduce constipation symptoms and help with digestion.

Enhances general health

Even a small daily stair climb of two floors is a wonderful aerobic workout. Cardiovascular activities improve heart health, decrease cholesterol, regulate diabetes, and maintain

…But walking is for everyone

Not everyone can climb stairs and it’s wise for elderly and people with mobility and joint issues to go for a walk with better control over movement. You can spend more time walking compared to climbing stairs with less fatigue. Walking consistently over a long period can actually lead to more weight loss compared to climbing stairs on and off. Dr Nasiruddin G builds an argument for those with mobility and joint pain issues.

  • Beneficial for people with joint issues: Walking is generally lower impact compared to stair climbing, which can be beneficial if you have joint issues or are recovering from an injury. Stair climbing puts more stress on the knees and ankles, so it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with existing joint problems.
  • More sustainable: While stair climbing may burn more calories per minute, walking can be sustained for longer durations without as much fatigue. This means you may end up burning more calories overall during a longer walk compared to a shorter stair climbing session.

Any kind of physical activity leads to release of endorphins and helps release stress. If you are someone who doesn’t find the regular workouts appealing, short on time, or waiting to get to a certain fitness level, walking or climbing your way to your goal is a good idea.

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