Driving licence test in this state gets tougher, triggers protests

3 min read
  • The state’s motor vehicles department had issued a circular last month saying the rules to pass driving tests will be modified from today.
Obtaining a driving licence has become tougher after rules to pass the driving test in Kerala have been modified.

Planning to get a driving licence in Kerala? The test to obtain one has become challenging and rigorous for drivers from today. The state’s motor vehicles department has made it tougher for applicants to pass the crucial test to get driving licence which has triggered protests from driving schools across the state. A state-wide strike has been called by driving school unions halting tests at driving centres in Kerala. The change in the rules was notified by the Kerala Motor Vehicles’ Department through a circular issued on April 4 this year.

The new rules to obtain driving licence in Kerala was implemented from today. According to the modified rules to obtain driving licence in Kerala, all aplicants will be asked to undergo real-life driving test instead ones conducted on curated tracks. The new rule makes it mandatory for all driving licence applicants to show they can drive on road with busy traffic, can park parallelly or at an angle, zig-zag driving as well as pass the gradient testing and ‘H’ test.

The decision to modify rules to pass driving licence test in Kerala has been challenged by driving school unions across the state. It has suspended tests while demanding a withdrawal of the circular. The union said it wants more time to implement the changes. It is also against the directive to install dashboard cameras on test vehicles or discarding 15 year-old vehicles for such tests.

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“We have not been given any training as to how to conduct the new tests, and no infrastructure has been prepared for the conduct of the new tests,” Unni, a driving school owner and member of the All Kerala Driving School Owners’ Association, was quoted by news agency PTI. Kerala currently has more than 80 centres where test to obtain driving licence is conducted.

The union has also moved Kerala High Court against the implementation of the new rules of using dashcams and ban on use of old vehicles during tests. The use of dashcams on test vehicles was mandated to keep a record of the tests. It has threatened to continue the strike until the state government withdraws the circular.

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While the union staged protests, new driving licence applicants have welcomed the move to make it tougher to pass. Some consider the new rules to be helpful in improving driving skills and road behaviour. Nasrin, a driving school student, told PTI, “I consider it good, and it is better for those who learn it and get a licence. The reforms are good.”

The new driving test rules have barred use of no electric vehicles and automatic cars. Besides four-wheelers, the new rules have also made it challenging to obtain licence for two-wheelers. The new guidelines say that only motorcycles with gear pedals on the leg above 95 cc will be allowed to conduct tests.

First Published Date: 02 May 2024, 16:04 PM IST

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