Emotions impact our relationships: Here’s how it happens

2 min read

Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

  • From the capacity we hold for the relationship to the decisions we make, here are a few ways by which emotions impact our relationships.


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Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

In a relationship, the way we show up, the way we behave and the way we are is hugely influenced by the emotions we experience. “Deepening our emotional awareness helps us to understand how our emotions are influencing the way we show up and engage which allows us to then make conscious choices about our words, behaviours and actions. This allows us to move away from reacting and toward responding,” wrote Therapist Lucille Shackleton.(Unsplash)


Communication is influenced by the emotions we are feeling. The way we express ourselves, the words we use and the tone we speak is directly impacted by the emotions. 
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Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Communication is influenced by the emotions we are feeling. The way we express ourselves, the words we use and the tone we speak is directly impacted by the emotions. 


Emotions also influence our perspectives. We perceive the world and the things happening around us by the emotions we experience. (Unsplash)
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Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Emotions also influence our perspectives. We perceive the world and the things happening around us by the emotions we experience. (Unsplash)


Strong emotions can block conflict management skills. Instead of addressing the conflict, we may choose to make things worse. 
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Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Strong emotions can block conflict management skills. Instead of addressing the conflict, we may choose to make things worse. 


Our emotions guide us to our decisions. The decisions we make are influenced by the emotions we are feeling about the matters at hand. (Shutterstock)
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Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Our emotions guide us to our decisions. The decisions we make are influenced by the emotions we are feeling about the matters at hand. (Shutterstock)


The emotions we feel also influence the capacity we have our ourselves, the partner and the relationship. Hence, prioritising and self-awareness are important.
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Published on Apr 28, 2024 06:00 AM IST

The emotions we feel also influence the capacity we have our ourselves, the partner and the relationship. Hence, prioritising and self-awareness are important.

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