Gifts that will transform your relationship this holiday season

2 min read

Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

  • From apologising for our mistakes to actively listening, here are a few gifts that we can give our loved ones this holiday season.

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Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

With the holiday season approaching, we are already planning what to give our loved ones. Our romantic partners also deserve the best of everything from us. This holiday season, instead of materialistic gifts, we can give them the gifts of our love, care, understanding and loyalty and help in making the relationship a healthy one. Therapist Divya Robin shared a few gifting tips.(Unsplash)

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Instead of trying to justify our mistakes or shifting the blame, we should apologise and try to initiate positive changes in ourselves. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

Instead of trying to justify our mistakes or shifting the blame, we should apologise and try to initiate positive changes in ourselves. (Unsplash)

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Sometimes even when we care for and love people, we fail to express it to them. However, this holiday season, we should make efforts to let them know how we feel about them. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

Sometimes even when we care for and love people, we fail to express it to them. However, this holiday season, we should make efforts to let them know how we feel about them. (Unsplash)

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We should create a space in the relationship where people can feel free to express themselves and be vulnerable without having the fear of being judged. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

We should create a space in the relationship where people can feel free to express themselves and be vulnerable without having the fear of being judged. (Unsplash)

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We should try to be present in the moment and actively listen – instead of listening to respond, we should listen to understand. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

We should try to be present in the moment and actively listen – instead of listening to respond, we should listen to understand. (Unsplash)

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Instead of creating ideas or expectations around people. We should accept them for who they are. Learning to make people feel safe to express themselves in their truest form is one of the biggest gifts. (Unsplash)
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Published on Dec 05, 2023 08:23 AM IST

Instead of creating ideas or expectations around people. We should accept them for who they are. Learning to make people feel safe to express themselves in their truest form is one of the biggest gifts. (Unsplash)


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