Helldivers 2 manager promises to make heavy enemy spawns easier to handle

3 min read

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It’s been a busy week in the life of a Helldivers 2 fan! For that matter, it’s been a busy week if you’re a Helldivers 2 dev!

The game has just had its first balance patch, with update 01.000.100 seeing massive weapon buffs and nerfs. With some of the best meta weapons affected by the update, there was a community backlash, which led to Arrowhead developers explaining the nerfs.

And it doesn’t stop there. There has been more outcry from the Helldivers 2 community, with increased spawn rates of heavy enemies overwhelming players dominating discussions on socials.

Another statement has been issued, with Arrowhead’s associate community manager revealing another change is set to come. Read on to find out more.

Image provided by Arrowhead

Helldivers 2 Heavy Hits

There has been a tough one-two to handle from the Helldivers 2 devs over the past week. First, some of the top-tier weapons in the game were hit by the balance patch. This included nerfs to the Breaker, Railgun, and Shield Backpack.

So, already the community was finding it tougher to take down heavy enemies. You required hard-hitting weapons to deal with tough enemies, such as Bile Titans and Chargers. With the Railgun’s effectiveness reduced in safe mode, you now need to use it in unsafe mode to deal major damage to heavily armored targets, while also being more accurate with it.

Since the patch, players have also reported an increased spawn rate of heavy enemies on harder difficulties. Now, not only do you have less effective weapons to use against these enemies, but they are coming at you more frequently too!

This double-whammy needs a quick fix, and luckily, it looks like that is going to happen. Spitz, the Arrowhead associate community manager, posted on the Helldivers Discord a message that should hopefully ease the panic players are experiencing.

The full statement reads as follows:

“Hell-o, Divers! I wanted to take a moment this afternoon to let you all know that we’ve heard your concerns over the last few days regarding enemy spawns, enemy armor, and the ability to kill these enemies. As we’ve said before, our teams are always taking in player feedback and looking at how we can tweak the game to ensure that it is fair, enjoyable and provides the best experience for everyone.

“I can confirm that we’re currently looking at changes to the spawn rates and health pools of heavy enemies, and will be attempting to spread them out more to prevent large spikes of tougher mobs appearing at the same time, as well as making them a bit easier to bring down. This change should go out in a future hotfix – no date as of yet.”

It’s great that the devs are taking on community feedback, with updates to the spawn rates and health pools of heavy enemies high on the priority fix list. Although we don’t know when this patch will come, a future hotfix suggests we shouldn’t have to wait too long.

In the meantime, why not take a look at our guides on how to beat Bile Titan and how to kill Charges, to pick up some extra tips in defeating these enemies? Our best armor sets and best stratagems pages should also help you in the fight.

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