Helldivers 2 player says the Galactic War is meaningless, and they’re not wrong

3 min read

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The Galactic War shows no sign of slowing down in Helldivers 2, with it seeming like every time we gain an advantage over the Automatons or Terminids they seem to come back stronger. This was the case at the start of the month when the robot army was eradicated from the galaxy, they came back a day later with tens of thousands of warships.

More recently, the Helldivers killed 2 billion Terminids, and immediately after we have been put on the back foot as we defend 10 planets in the latest Major Order. With it seeming like we can never gain an advantage, and with new threats such as The Illuminate looming, is there any point to the Galactic War or will this be a never-ending cycle?

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U/Fresh_Confection_412 took to Reddit to discuss the ongoing Galactic War between the Automatons and Terminids that has been raging on throughout the story of Helldivers 2. There are some changes to the Galactic War when compared to the first game in that, at least for now, Super Earth seems safe and not in a position to be destroyed, which does make the war pointless but maybe that is by design by Super Earth’s government. The Reddit user gave their thoughts on the Galactic War saying,

“It’s all one, big, continuous war. Alright, that does sound cool, in theory, but there’s a big problem when I think about it. It means that everything is meaningless.

Let’s imagine, right? Let’s say we start failing every Major Order, our enemies push us back to Super Earth. If it’s a continuous war, then… we can’t fail defending Super Earth. It literally wouldn’t be allowed.

So, we can’t fail. But that also means we can’t win. If either of those conditions are met, then by consequence, the Galactic War is over.”

This a good point by the Reddit user, with the mechanic retconned where if Super Earth is destroyed the citizens find a new place to live, which means that Super Earth must survive. It is worth noting this could be changed and another planet could take its place, but with Super Earth being front and center of the galaxy it seems unlikely. So, if Super Earth can’t be destroyed there is no reason to succeed.

At the time of writing, the current Major Order calls for the defense of 10 different planets. With just over two days to go, only four planets have been successfully defended, which makes it unlikely that the other six will be completed. However, never say never, as the fewer planets that there are to defend the more focus can be put on the remaining ones which could push things in the Helldiver’s favor.

With players failing multiple Major Orders this month, it would be embarrassing to take another L, but failing this Major Order seems like it is being done by design, and the odds were stacked against the Helldivers in a way that victory was almost impossible. But, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try our best to succeed. To ensure the best chance of victory, we highly recommend checking out our Helldivers 2 best weapons guide and best armor guide so you and your team can be suitably equipped to take on the Automatons and Terminids.

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