Helldivers 2 player sees the world through an Automaton’s eyes

4 min read

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Helldivers are faceless soldiers with just one goal, to serve a hot cup of Liber-tea to any enemy that stands between them and democracy. But, underneath the helmet, some do have a conscience as recently some Helldivers have been questioning whether they’re the good guys in Helldivers 2. And now some have begun to take a step back and think about what the Automatons and Terminids see when a Helldiver emerges from a capsule holding a selection of firearms before blasting every bullet they possess into the body and head of the creature or machine standing in front of them.

U/Notdumbname has taken to Reddit to ponder this and tries to imagine what the Automatons see in their last moments as a faceless soldier obliterates them with various weapons and bombs falling from the sky.

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“Imagine for a moment if the democracy officer will permit it, the perspective of our enemies. Take a Hulk for example. Big, near impervious to harm, and carrying some of the most powerful weapons the automatons have to offer. Then a single ship suddenly appears in orbit above you. Everyone prepares for battle as the roar of atmospheric entry echoes around the world. You sit there and wait as you hear explosions and gunfire all over the sector. You see on the map outposts being destroyed in rapid succession.

Then there’s a rustling in the woods nearby as a machine gunner opens fire. Almost as soon as he does golden laser beams tear through his metallic skull. Before anyone can react a ball flies through the air towards a pair of fabricators. A red beam comes out of it and mere moments later a jet swoops by and unleashes a payload of bombs, destroying both fabricators and anything nearby. A trooper goes to where he was last sighted but he is nowhere to be seen. Then you hear three loud shots in rapid succession followed by one of the turrets exploding. Until now you didn’t even know those things could be destroyed. Then the other one goes down just as fast. Anyone who went to stop him would be cut down immediately.

Then he finally shows himself. He isn’t exactly what you expected. He is so small, just the size of a trooper. His armor is black with golden highlights, caked in blood and oil. He is carrying a gun on his back that is nearly as big as he is. You march towards him revving your saw and shooting flames, eager to exact revenge. Before you can take two steps a shell smashes into your face. Your eyes are burning and you can’t see anything. The last thing you process is sheer terror as a shell blasts through your head, ending your wretched existence.”

With the way the Reddit user described the scene, it made me feel sorry for the Automatons and Terminids…briefly, and then I remembered that the robots recently attacked the Helldivers with over 10,000 warships. Following this attack, the Helldivers were left to fight on the back foot and defend various planets from the robot army, which brought with it an excellent new defense mission that saw a lot of praise from the Helldivers 2 community.

As the tide turns and the Helldivers begin to mount an offense and have been liberating planets once again, it is vital that we don’t let up and keep the pressure on the Automatons. To ensure victory and democracy in the universe, we highly recommend checking out our Helldivers 2 best weapons guide and best armor guide so you and your squad can be suitably equipped to serve a cup of Liber-tea to the Automatons and Terminids.

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