Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 29, 2023 | Astrology

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All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for December 29, 2023 (Pixabay)

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

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Inculcating healthy habits is possible for some and is likely to prove immensely beneficial. Family will appear most responsive to your needs. Promotional prospects and special official perks may come your way. Your financial position remains strong, so give a thought to the needy because you can afford it! You may be invited to an outing by someone special. Good news on the property front can be expected.

Love Focus: Strengthening of romantic bonds is indicated.

Lucky No.: 5

Lucky Colour: Green

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

Good day for job seekers. Investing in a scheme you have been contemplating for long may have its downside, so take advice from knowledgeable people before taking the next step. Enhancing fitness level may become the sole aim of those in the sports arena. A wedding of a close family member is likely to be solemnised and get you all excited. A vacation is on the cards for some and may take them to someplace exotic. Your efforts will succeed in bringing normalcy to your environment.

Love Focus: You may share your romantic feelings with the one you love.

Lucky No.: 11

Lucky Colour: Saffron

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Profits accrue as business picks up. Getting motivated for achieving perfect figure is possible for some. Your advice on a professional matter will come in handy. Some of you will need to take a good grip of the situation on the domestic front. Those on a business trip will succeed in their aim. Returns from property will be as per your expectations. A party will offer a chance to meet old friends and relations.

Love Focus: Spending time with lover will prove most fulfilling.

Lucky No.: 8

Lucky Colour: Green

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Efforts to regain perfect health are likely to be rewarded soon. It may become impossible for higher ups to ignore your competence at work. Previous investments will ensure a healthy bank balance. An exciting time during a trip is envisaged. Investing in property now will be a step in the right direction. You are set to become socially popular.

Love Focus: You will get the opportunity to pour your heart out to lover on the romantic front.

Lucky No.: 1

Lucky Colour: Peach

LEO (July 23-August 23)

It is better to stay clear of any confusion that may happen regarding property or some other asset. This is the right time to consolidate your financial position by both saving and investing. Homemakers are likely to exercise their initiative in bringing about a few changes. Completing a challenging task successfully will add to your professional reputation. Some of you may stand to gain on the property front.

Love Focus: Making your romantic life lively and happening is on the cards and promises lots of fun.

Lucky No.: 3

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

VIRGO (August 24-September 23)

Practitioners of yoga and meditation can derive immense health benefits. Previous investments are likely to give you excellent returns. Professional excellence will help you in getting firmly established in the organisation. You are likely to participate in a family function. Overseas travel is indicated for some. Preparing well for exams or competition will become your priority right now.

Love Focus: A romantic outing is on the cards and promises much fun and frolic!

Lucky No.: 7

Lucky Colour: Magenta

LIBRA (September 24-October 23)

Good earning avenues are likely to open up for you soon. Don’t harbour any depressing thoughts regarding your showing on the academic front; things are likely to turn favourable. Going down the memory lane with an old relation or friend will prove immensely fulfilling. Don’t overdo the sweating out bit without adequate warm up. Success is foretold in impressing those who matter on the professional front.

Love Focus: Newlyweds and young couples can expect a blissful existence together.

Lucky No.: 6

Lucky Colour: Brown

SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)

Be cost conscious and avoid impulsive buying, if you want to secure your financial health. A family friend will help you out of a tight corner. Taking up an exercise regime will prove immensely beneficial. It is best to know your limitations, before you agree to undertake a task on the professional front. Lack of time can adversely affect your performance on the academic front.

Love Focus: On the romantic front, you will feel loved and wanted, as lover turns sensitive towards your feelings.

Lucky No.: 5

Lucky Colour: Pink

SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21)

Shopping may be topmost on your mind today, but it will be only for the essentials. Chances of coming back in shape look promising, as you stay away from unhealthy food. Easing of work pressure is indicated and will come as a great relief. You will manage to clear a tough exam or competition on the academic front. Good earning possibilities materialise, so choose with care. A child or younger sibling may make you proud.

Love Focus: Today, there is a strong possibility of meeting an old flame and bringing the excitement of yore back into your life!

Lucky No.: 5

Lucky Colour: Green

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 21)

Someone’s guidance will prove indispensable in improving your performance on the academic front. Starting a workout routine will prove beneficial. Someone may take advantage of your trusting nature, so be careful. At work, overcoming all odds in putting an idea into action will be an achievement you will long cherish. You will manage to read the market well and put your money judiciously to earn handsome dividends.

Love Focus: Someone introduced to you on the social front can become your love interest, so keep your fingers crossed!

Lucky No.: 17

Lucky Colour: Light Red

AQUARIUS (January 22-February 19)

Take steps to boost your bank balance by working on the side. Your networking abilities will help on the academic front. Your hands seem full in nursing someone to perfect health. At work, it is best not to leave things half-finished to avoid negative comments from those in authority. A little provocation from someone today may spoil the atmosphere.

Love Focus: Your initiative on the romantic front will not go in vain, as positive response is in the pipeline!

Lucky No.: 6

Lucky Colour: Yellow

PISCES (February 20-March 20)

On the business front, a deal you are so hopeful of bagging will be finally yours, so rejoice! Those facing a deadline will manage to submit their work in time. Don’t cry over spilt milk on the academic front; look forward and try to excel. Efforts may be required to create a relaxed atmosphere at home. Shed your negative views regarding someone, as he or she shows signs of improvement.

Love Focus: Those seeking love manage to make their presence felt in the opposite camp.

Lucky No.: 2

Lucky Colour: Maroon

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