How do we source sale listings? – JAPAN PROPERTY CENTRAL K.K.

1 min read

Mostly through a professional network that we have carefully maintained and grown over the past 15 years.

Almost all listings on the commercial side are offline, off-market, and the good deals are only shared within trusted networks. It’s all about who you know. 99% of success in accessing the Japanese market comes from relationship building. 

No short cuts

Just sourcing one single potential listing to send to a client might come with a backstory of months of searching, years of maintaining good relationships, and consistent communication within our network. That can mean frequent face-to-face meetings and phone calls with brokers, asset managers, and potential sellers every single month. 

Sometimes it might mean a two week wait to get a sit-down with a broker where they will hand deliver a print out of an off-market listing. That’s not unusual. Some brokers travel up and down the country on a weekly basis bringing listings to their network of buyers and brokers in person.


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