‘I’m a surgeon – these 3 colours in your urine should prompt an immediate GP visit’

3 min read

From clear to brown coloured-urine, a simple check after you’ve been to the toilet could help identify a hidden health condition. Urination is an essential bodily function needed for eliminating waste products, maintaining fluid balance, and assessing kidney function.

The average person urinates between six and seven times in 24 hours, but between four and 10 is still considered healthy. Depending on how much liquid you have consumed in the day, your urine will appear different in colour, with many of us aware that a dark yellow hue can signal dehydration.

Similarly, urine that is completely clear means you have drunk too much water, and could be at risk for water poisoning. However, there are some colours that can appear in urine that should be cause for alarm.

Mr Hamid Abboudi, consultant urological surgeon at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, warned of three specific colours in your urine that should not be ignored.

Speaking exclusively with Express.co.uk , he said: “The colour of your urine can tell you a lot about your health, so it’s always worth a glance before you flush.”

The colours to be particularly wary of, according to Hamid, are orange, pink and red. Orange urine could indicate a serious liver problem.

“Very dark or orange urine can be a sign of severe dehydration or a problem with the liver, especially if your poo has also turned pale or white,” he said. “ This should always prompt you to see your GP.”

He continued: “A red or a pink tinge to your urine could represent the presence of blood, which should always prompt you to see your GP or a urologist.

“Blood in the urine can be caused by a variety of things including a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, kidney disease, non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate and certain medications.

“It is also important to rule out prostate, kidney or bladder cancer. Your GP or urologist can perform simple tests to make sure the bleeding is not from any of these causes.”

Hamid listed other colours and types of urine that can be linked to a health issue.

Pale yellow urine

Normal urine is pale yellow in colour, meaning you are likely to be drinking the right amount of water and are well hydrated.

Dark yellow urine

Dark yellow urine is concentrated, which can be a sign of dehydration.

He said: “Dehydration can have negative effects on your kidneys and can lead to other medical problems like kidney stones.

“Kidney stones can be extremely painful, so staying well hydrated is important.”

Clear or colourless urine

It is important, however, not to drink too much water as over hydration can also cause problems, he said.

Hamid said: “Drinking too much water can cause an imbalance in the sodium level in your blood which can cause kidney damage, seizures and can even be fatal. Thankfully this is rare.”

Cloudy urine

Cloudy urine, or the presence of visible sediment, may suggest a urine infection.

Hamid added: “If cloudiness is accompanied by a burning sensation when you urinate and/or a fever then an infection is more likely and you should see your GP.

“If infections are frequent or hard to treat, your doctor is likely to refer you to a urologist for more specialist investigations and treatment.”

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