Passenger Died Onboard Lufthansa Flight from Bangkok to Munich

2 min read

It has emerged that a passenger onboard a Lufthansa flight to Munich died onboard, prompting a u-turn and emergency landing back into it’s origin of Bangkok.

Passenger Died Onboard Lufthansa Flight from Bangkok to Munich…

Data provided by

Lufthansa flight LH773 is a routine scheduled flight between Bangkok and Munich, with the aircraft involved in the incident where a passenger died being operated by D-AIML.

As per data from, D-AIML is a 10.2 year old Airbus A380 that was delivered to the German carrier back in May 2014.

Of the A380 variant, the German airline has eight of them in the fleet, of which four are in active service and four are currently parked, offering an average age of 11.8 years.

Lufthansa flight LH773 departed Bangkok at 0007 local time on February 8 and proceeded in a westerly direction towards Munich.

When the Airbus A380 reached the Myanmar area, the crew onboard performed a u-turn back to the Thai airport.

After around two and a half hours in the air, LH773 landed safely back into Bangkok, with the aircraft not utilising the emergency squawk broadcast at any point during this incident.

As per Blick, it was revealed that the cause of the return back to Bangkok for the Munich-bound flight was due to a passenger becoming visibly and quickly ill.

Following this deterioration onboard the aircraft, the passenger unfortunately died before the appropriate help was given to him.

D-AIML, the Lufthansa Airbus A380 remained grounded in Bangkok, and didn’t continue back to Munich until February 11.

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