Royal Air Maroc Flight to Rome Cabin Pressure Loss in Casablanca

2 min read

Last weekend, a Royal Air Maroc flight bound for Rome had to u-turn back and declare an emergency to Casablanca due to a loss of cabin pressure.

Emergency: Royal Air Maroc Flight to Rome Cabin Pressure Loss in Casablanca…

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Royal Air Maroc flight AT940 is a routine scheduled flight between Casablanca and Rome, with the affected rotation being operated by CN-RGH.

As per data from, CN-RGH is a 12.3 year old Boeing 737-800 that was delivered to the Moroccan carrier back in November 2011.

Of the 737-800 variant, the airline has 29 of them, of which 24 are in active service and five are currently parked, offering an average fleet age of 15.4 years.

Royal Air Maroc flight AT940 departed the Moroccan airport at 1328 local time and initially proceeded in a north-easterly direction towards it’s Italian destination.

Upon reaching the northern coast line, the aircraft made a u-turn and headed back to the Moroccan airport, declaring an emergency and signalling that they will not be continuing on to the Italian destination.

After one hour and nine minutes of flight, the aircraft landed safely back into Casablanca, with The Aviation Herald reporting that this was due to this incident onboard the aircraft originally bound for Rome.

At the time of writing (12/2/24 @ 1950 UK time), CN-RGH remains grounded, with it being unclear when the aircraft will be back in commercial service following this emergency.

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