Ryanair Calls on German Government To Lower Air Taxes

3 min read

This week has seen Ryanair call on the German Government to lower the air transport taxes & reduce airport fees in the country, as they believe they are too high.

The Irish low-cost carrier believes that the likes of Lufthansa’s high fares and reduced capacity will not bring growth to the region.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Ryanair Calls on German Government To Lower Air Taxes…

Photo Credit: Adrian Olstad/AviationSource
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In a statement, Ryanair said the following on the air taxes & transport fees in Germany:

“Ryanair is the only major airline in Europe to see strong growth post-COVID and has repeatedly proven that it can and will achieve growth in Germany if the government lowers its high aviation fees/taxes, like most other EU countries have already done.”

“Ryanair could double its traffic in Germany from 16 million to 34 million over the next six years if Germany introduces competitive taxes/fees and airport fees and puts growth at the heart of Germany’s post-COVID recovery.”

Adding to this was the airline’s CEO, Michael O’Leary:

“The German aviation market is broken and urgently needs to be repaired if it is to grow again.”

“German aviation taxes and fees are among the highest in Europe, but the government is proposing to increase these fees even further.”

“As a result of these high taxes/fees and Lufthansa’s monopoly-like high fares, Germany’s post-Corona recovery is lagging far behind the rest of Europe, forcing German passengers to have less choice and pay the highest fares in Europe.”

“Germany can recover and grow again if the government cuts its excessive taxes (including aviation tax, security and air traffic control fees) and makes Germany’s regional airports more competitive so that low-cost airlines like Ryanair offer growth, choice and low prices to German passengers and we can provide urgently needed competition to Lufthansa’s German high-price monopoly.”

All eyes will be on whether the German Government will bow to this pressure from the Irish low-cost carrier.

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