Sneaky relationship saboteurs: Here’s what we need to know

2 min read

Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

  • From letting unresolved conflicts linger to expressing passive-aggressive behaviour, here are a few sneaky behaviours that can sabotage a relationship.


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Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

It’s important to get out of a toxic relationship.(Shutterstock)


When we are appreciated with small gestures, we should not ignore them and take them for granted. It can make the partner feel that they are not valued in the relationship. (Unsplash)
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Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

When we are appreciated with small gestures, we should not ignore them and take them for granted. It can make the partner feel that they are not valued in the relationship. (Unsplash)


Conflicts are natural in any relationship – however, it is important to address the conflicts effectively. We should not let unresolved conflicts linger for a long time. (Unsplash)
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Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

Conflicts are natural in any relationship – however, it is important to address the conflicts effectively. We should not let unresolved conflicts linger for a long time. (Unsplash)


Indirectly expressing passive-aggressive behaviour can lead to frustration and resentment in the relationship, ultimately harming the health of the relationship. (Unsplash)
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Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

Indirectly expressing passive-aggressive behaviour can lead to frustration and resentment in the relationship, ultimately harming the health of the relationship. (Unsplash)


In a relationship, both partners are expected to support each other through thick and thin. When the support starts to diminish, it can increase distance and affect the connection. 
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Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

In a relationship, both partners are expected to support each other through thick and thin. When the support starts to diminish, it can increase distance and affect the connection. 


As much as our individual needs are important, we should also try to address the needs of the partner. We should be able to strike a healthy balance.(Pexels)
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Published on Mar 19, 2024 05:00 PM IST

As much as our individual needs are important, we should also try to address the needs of the partner. We should be able to strike a healthy balance.(Pexels)

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