Spotlight on evolving job market; Start-ups role in non-linear growth

2 min read

Highlighting the inadequacy of the conventional approach of urging companies to establish centres in India, he underscored the precarious nature of job security if companies are not favourably inclined.

“The conventional practice of urging companies to establish centres in India may fall short, as companies, if dissatisfied, possess the capacity to relocate jobs elsewhere,” he added, shedding light on the necessity for a more robust and dynamic job creation strategy.

Gopinath echoed the sentiment, emphasising a philosophical shift from an industrial to a digital world.

“In the evolution of our economic landscape, we are transitioning from an industrial-centric paradigm to an era dominated by digital advancements. Examining transformative products like WhatsApp, it becomes evident that they originated from the innovation of small companies. Our current emphasis is on nurturing the success of smaller enterprises, and this is precisely where the significance of start-ups comes into play,” he said.

To accomplish this, colleges must adopt a mindset akin to that of start-ups, he said.

“Educational institutions need to contemplate the establishment of a culture characterised by agility, proactive response to emerging trends, and optimal utilisation of available opportunities,” said Gopinath.

Both speakers emphasised the importance of creating an environment conducive to start-up growth.

“The emergence of the next Google cannot solely rely on the efforts of a small group of students in India; a robust support system must be in place to nurture such ventures,” he said.

Interdisciplinary skills in entrepreneurship

Addressing the vital question of whether fostering a start-up-friendly ecosystem could lead to a surge in engineering colleges, two prominent speakers emphasised the significance of interdisciplinary skills in the world of entrepreneurship.

Gopinath stressed the need for a diverse skill set within a start-up team, advocating for a combination of engineering and non-engineering talents. “Your team needs assets from both engineering and non-engineering backgrounds,” he said.

Raman echoed this sentiment, highlighting the increasing demand for a variety of skills driven by the diverse needs of start-ups.

“A variety of skills are surging in demand due to start-ups. Otherwise, everyone only ever talks of electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, or mechanical engineering,” he remarked.

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