The Finals fans worry game is becoming too much like Overwatch

2 min read

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The Finals, barely a month into its release, is already stirring up discussions among its players about the evolving meta. While the game gains momentum towards competitive play, a segment of the community believes that adhering too closely to a meta could diminish the game’s unique charm and excitement.

In competitive PvP games, a “meta” often develops, dictating the most effective weapons or classes to use. However, some players of The Finals argue that the current meta makes the game feel too similar to other titles like Overwatch, with repetitive strategies overshadowing the game’s unique elements. The concern is that this could lead to a stale and predictable gameplay experience, counter to the chaotic and innovative nature that initially drew players in.

A Reddit user, some_recluse, sparked a conversation about the game’s direction, expressing that the game lost its appeal with the emergence of a specific meta. This sentiment resonates with many in the community, who prefer a game environment where unexpected strategies and diverse team compositions prevail. They advocate for a balance that allows for a more comprehensive array of viable playstyles, keeping the game fresh and unpredictable.

via Reddit – u/some_recluse

While some players dread a stagnant competitive scene dominated by a few optimal strategies, others enjoy the less structured chaos of non-ranked modes. These players appreciate the variety and unpredictability of less standardized gameplay, suggesting that a rigid meta isn’t necessary for the game’s enjoyment and success.

As The Finals continues to evolve, the community closely watches how Embark Studios will address these concerns. Balancing a game to maintain competitive integrity while fostering creativity and variety is no small task. The game’s relative newness means ample opportunity for development and adjustment. Many players remain hopeful that with attentive balancing and updates, The Finals can retain its dynamic gameplay and avoid the pitfalls of a restrictive meta.

For more in-depth guidance on excelling in The Finals’ arenas, delve into our detailed guide on utilizing arena carriables, uncover the best classes in The Finals, and peruse our extensive review of The Finals for a broader understanding and insights.

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