Volocopter in collaboration to bring Urban Air Mobility to Spain

3 min read

Aena, the world’s leading airport management company, UrbanV, an Italian vertiport operator, and Volocopter, a German pioneer in urban air mobility (UAM), have joined forces to develop a UAM ecosystem in Spain.

This collaboration marks a significant step towards integrating electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft into the Spanish transportation landscape.

Unpacking the Pilot Program

The pilot program will unfold in two phases. The initial two years will focus on a comprehensive feasibility study.

This study will assess the potential of UAM within the Aena network, pinpointing key factors like:

  • Target audience: Identifying potential customers who would benefit most from this innovative mode of transport.
  • Vertiport locations: Determining strategic locations for vertiports, the infrastructure that supports eVTOL operations.
  • Commercial routes: Mapping out viable flight paths that cater to passenger needs and optimize efficiency.
  • Infrastructure requirements: Understanding the infrastructure needed to support the successful integration of UAM.
  • Seamless integration: Exploring potential connections with existing transportation modes for a smooth user experience.
Image Credit: Volocopter
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Testing the Waters

Following the feasibility study, the next step is a potential proof of concept (CONOPS) involving test flights on Aena facilities.

This stage will depend on factors like funding availability, resource allocation, and securing necessary permits.

The aim of the CONOPS is to evaluate the practicality of operating eVTOLs within the Aena network.

Expertise meets opportunity

This collaboration brings together three leaders in their respective fields:

  • Aena: World’s leading airport management company, offering unparalleled expertise in airport operations and infrastructure.
  • UrbanV: Italian vertiport operator, specializing in the design, development, and operation of vertiports.
  • Volocopter: German pioneer in UAM, renowned for developing and manufacturing safe and efficient eVTOL aircraft.

Combined, they possess the knowledge and resources necessary to build a thriving UAM ecosystem in Spain.

Their previous collaboration on the 2024 UAM launch in Rome typifies their focus and paves the way for successful implementation in Spain.

Christian Bauer, CFO & CCO of Volocopter, explains: “Volocopter’s mission to bring UAM to life now extends to Spain.”

“We are proud to join its path to transforming the sustainability of aviation also in Spain as our eVTOLs provide a more efficient, safe, and quiet form of complementary aerial mobility for tourists and business travellers.”

“For Volocopter, this pilot program is another fantastic opportunity to understand real-world needs and use cases of eVTOL, and to strengthen our partner ecosystem with Aena and UrbanV.”

Sustainable Aviation in the Spotlight

This project aligns perfectly with Spain’s ambitious decarbonization goals, aiming to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

eVTOL aircraft, with their zero in-flight emissions and minimal noise signature, offer a sustainable alternative to traditional transportation, contributing significantly to cleaner urban and remote air travel.

This collaboration signals a commitment from all parties involved to usher in a new era of sustainable and efficient transportation in Spain.

With their collective expertise and dedication, Aena, UrbanV, and Volocopter are poised to revolutionize urban air mobility in Spain and pave the way for a greener future.

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